In the movie Echo Boomers, a young Joker Bideen type character says he and his colleagues would rather be dead than submit to the laws and the constitution, submit to the system. It could be that the former administration is suffering from a Corona complex, a Xerxes complex and who gives the average news service the right to call elections and declare winners before votes were fully counted? If CNEN influences the actual result with this false, illegal, irresponsible reporting, that would be okay because they are 12 O cock Huge to abuse you and the Constitution, big! We will just let it go, overlook it because CNEN is sexy big. Who is motivating them to follow this illegal course of action and I think the only Authority to decide in this situation says he won't be stepping down but defending the constitution and restoring order to critical national services such as the postal services which is the only responsible course of action in an attempted coup. He will also be restoring soldier's salaries, as rumored in the corridors of power, and police officers salaries to normal levels and enabling a full Cares Act provision at $35000.00 per year with a universal unconditional minimum income support provision to every citizen if required in states like Arizona where there is no such policy at this time. Evidently, Bidet does not respect the U.S. criminal code and nor does he respect the constitution. Maybe they stole the 2008 election. It does seem there is a pattern here. They can't wait for the return of individuals who are suffering from a Corona complex and the Corona delusion as they have been promised bribes to the media if they help this Corona or coronation complex in the dual reign of Bolden and Osama. The electoral college has not even met yet but the fictitious result as written by the prohibited challenger is on the news; on every channel purporting the Osama Bolden hand written result. MCCAIN lost because he did not resign his salary as a U.S. Senator in violation of US Code 7323 and campaigned as a candidate in any event. But, bribes are illegal. They are illegal if it is a bribe to influence elections. The Electoral College has not met to reach their conclusion but the real issue is that there is only one candidate in the final analysis. That would be the conclusion. Why would he leave office in this evident terrorist subterfuge? The mail was stolen, the votes were thrown out and this affected any idea of how many Americans voted for any individual. Also, The Democrat and prohibited challenger must take responsibility for refusing to acknowledge US law and how it impacted the way in which he could participate in any campaigning; if at all. Why has he ignored the law involving a universal unconditional minimum income support and the law involving his prohibited involvement as a candidate? This is not a good sign and the wrong message to the world and the American people. The feminine creatures, women, men and children need to know they are safe. He also violated the Hatch Act as a former VP. This is the evidence apparently and they will say anything contrary to law to support this coup. You can keep saying a prohibited challenger won but this is now just a media shouting match; not an election and the legal fact is there was only one viable candidate; the incumbent President. But, maybe the native economy was a hunter gatherers economy maybe 500 years ago before the Europeans settled in North America. Maybe we need a non-native, automatic economy that provides sufficient universal unconditional minimum income support to its citizens instead of borrowing a population from these more non native automatic economies. We have natives returning from these other economies but they are still Canadians. They arrived with their children and the entire family is now Asian in appearance and culture as funded by an Asian country. They may still be native but they keep the native head dress and ID cards in the closet; namaste, Arigato. Won't you come...real global capitalism is calling you to enjoy the grace and favor! We have a government committed to moving in this non- native, automatic economy policy direction now. We have non native food since we are soo anxious about acceptance so why have a non- native economy involving hunting and gathering, hunting for money and gathering? We have had 16 years of Democratic excitement about the White House but there is nothing but talk about what they could have done but they never committed to the solution. There is nothing so let's just adopt a population. This Republican Incumbent was hounded like a dog about impeachment and berated shamefully in the news by the prohibited challengers. I think the Republican was tough enough and evidently prayerful but if the news services could get away with disdain for the POTUS and for US election procedure, we have to ask what pays them to have this confidence. It all points to an unfortunate break down in the usual decorum to be carried by journalists. Now, apparently you are supposed to believe by way of suggestion that a foreign power has chosen one individual and that evidently the election and Corona virus was a sham to cover it. The incumbent is a US citizen and a duly elected individual. There was only one candidate in this election. Could it be that the challenger is insisting on certain legal allowances because he is a former VP who we honor by providing him with a salary under contract that he has not refused? He received a further payment two days ago. If he wanted to run, he should have resigned but he continues to receive protection as a former VP as we understand it. He has not refused this protection and nor has he refused his former VP salary. As such, he is receiving funds from the Treasury and is therefore prohibited from being a candidate under US Code 7323. But, what benefit of the law and legal protection should the man in the Oval Office receive? The man in the Oval office must defend the laws and the Constitution. Children are watching. The U.S. Government is also sworn to defend the incumbent. He should not be threatened by any upstart rebellious unruly challenger's media coup as he insists on being more favoured. Are you threatening the POTUS? It looks like there is evidence. Kemala showed up to sit in the POTUS desk a month before to name it and claim it. Apparently Obalmy let her in and she spit in the POTUS water jug. She said she was there to take measurements. Was it for the wine cask you ordered for the POTUS? But for the missing mail bags full of ballots, the prohibited challenger and the evident threat to the Potus, we could count the votes available and make a choice between two valid candidates. But, one candidate is invalid. The mail tampering to steal the votes and force a result down the throats of the American people is unbelievable; just unbelievable. It is evident that stolen votes and the tampering was to support a purported "win" by the prohibited challenger and what is the involvement of the Former President to defend the laws and the Constitution? We don't know but he is too involved and has delegitimised the office of Potus and it's powers of investigation. Remember that the POTUS is clothed in immense power; not the former President and not the former VP whether or not he is black. The former VP is certainly Black and that's okay but I don't need the black son of Jesse James or the Black Menace to Society. What is happening here is just too immature and decries a more than dispassionate interest in the result. I'm moving to Minnesota where I will at least get the universal unconditional minimum income support money from that state as a Minnesota citizen at $2500.00 every two weeks or you can ask for the EBT card.
In the movie Echo Boomers, a young Joker Bideen type character says he and his colleagues would rather be dead than submit to the laws and the constitution, submit to the system. It could be that the former administration is suffering from a Corona complex, a Xerxes complex and who gives the average news service the right to call elections and declare winners before votes were fully counted? If CNEN influences the actual result with this false, illegal, irresponsible reporting, that would be okay because they are 12 O cock Huge to abuse you and the Constitution, big! We will just let it go, overlook it because CNEN is sexy big. Who is motivating them to follow this illegal course of action and I think the only Authority to decide in this situation says he won't be stepping down but defending the constitution and restoring order to critical national services such as the postal services which is the only responsible course of action in an attempted coup. He will also be restoring soldier's salaries, as rumored in the corridors of power, and police officers salaries to normal levels and enabling a full Cares Act provision at $35000.00 per year with a universal unconditional minimum income support provision to every citizen if required in states like Arizona where there is no such policy at this time. Evidently, Bidet does not respect the U.S. criminal code and nor does he respect the constitution. Maybe they stole the 2008 election. It does seem there is a pattern here. They can't wait for the return of individuals who are suffering from a Corona complex and the Corona delusion as they have been promised bribes to the media if they help this Corona or coronation complex in the dual reign of Bolden and Osama. The electoral college has not even met yet but the fictitious result as written by the prohibited challenger is on the news; on every channel purporting the Osama Bolden hand written result. MCCAIN lost because he did not resign his salary as a U.S. Senator in violation of US Code 7323 and campaigned as a candidate in any event. But, bribes are illegal. They are illegal if it is a bribe to influence elections. The Electoral College has not met to reach their conclusion but the real issue is that there is only one candidate in the final analysis. That would be the conclusion. Why would he leave office in this evident terrorist subterfuge? The mail was stolen, the votes were thrown out and this affected any idea of how many Americans voted for any individual. Also, The Democrat and prohibited challenger must take responsibility for refusing to acknowledge US law and how it impacted the way in which he could participate in any campaigning; if at all. Why has he ignored the law involving a universal unconditional minimum income support and the law involving his prohibited involvement as a candidate? This is not a good sign and the wrong message to the world and the American people. The feminine creatures, women, men and children need to know they are safe. He also violated the Hatch Act as a former VP. This is the evidence apparently and they will say anything contrary to law to support this coup. You can keep saying a prohibited challenger won but this is now just a media shouting match; not an election and the legal fact is there was only one viable candidate; the incumbent President. But, maybe the native economy was a hunter gatherers economy maybe 500 years ago before the Europeans settled in North America. Maybe we need a non-native, automatic economy that provides sufficient universal unconditional minimum income support to its citizens instead of borrowing a population from these more non native automatic economies. We have natives returning from these other economies but they are still Canadians. They arrived with their children and the entire family is now Asian in appearance and culture as funded by an Asian country. They may still be native but they keep the native head dress and ID cards in the closet; namaste, Arigato. Won't you come...real global capitalism is calling you to enjoy the grace and favor!
We have a government committed to moving in this non- native, automatic economy policy direction now. We have non native food since we are soo anxious about acceptance so why have a non- native economy involving hunting and gathering, hunting for money and gathering? We have had 16 years of Democratic excitement about the White House but there is nothing but talk about what they could have done but they never committed to the solution. There is nothing so let's just adopt a population. This Republican Incumbent was hounded like a dog about impeachment and berated shamefully in the news by the prohibited challengers. I think the Republican was tough enough and evidently prayerful but if the news services could get away with disdain for the POTUS and for US election procedure, we have to ask what pays them to have this confidence. It all points to an unfortunate break down in the usual decorum to be carried by journalists. Now, apparently you are supposed to believe by way of suggestion that a foreign power has chosen one individual and that evidently the election and Corona virus was a sham to cover it. The incumbent is a US citizen and a duly elected individual. There was only one candidate in this election. Could it be that the challenger is insisting on certain legal allowances because he is a former VP who we honor by providing him with a salary under contract that he has not refused? He received a further payment two days ago. If he wanted to run, he should have resigned but he continues to receive protection as a former VP as we understand it. He has not refused this protection and nor has he refused his former VP salary. As such, he is receiving funds from the Treasury and is therefore prohibited from being a candidate under US Code 7323. But, what benefit of the law and legal protection should the man in the Oval Office receive? The man in the Oval office must defend the laws and the Constitution. Children are watching. The U.S. Government is also sworn to defend the incumbent. He should not be threatened by any upstart rebellious unruly challenger's media coup as he insists on being more favoured. Are you threatening the POTUS? It looks like there is evidence. Kemala showed up to sit in the POTUS desk a month before to name it and claim it. Apparently Obalmy let her in and she spit in the POTUS water jug. She said she was there to take measurements. Was it for the wine cask you ordered for the POTUS? But for the missing mail bags full of ballots, the prohibited challenger and the evident threat to the Potus, we could count the votes available and make a choice between two valid candidates. But, one candidate is invalid. The mail tampering to steal the votes and force a result down the throats of the American people is unbelievable; just unbelievable. It is evident that stolen votes and the tampering was to support a purported "win" by the prohibited challenger and what is the involvement of the Former President to defend the laws and the Constitution? We don't know but he is too involved and has delegitimised the office of Potus and it's powers of investigation. Remember that the POTUS is clothed in immense power; not the former President and not the former VP whether or not he is black. The former VP is certainly Black and that's okay but I don't need the black son of Jesse James or the Black Menace to Society. What is happening here is just too immature and decries a more than dispassionate interest in the result. I'm moving to Minnesota where I will at least get the universal unconditional minimum income support money from that state as a Minnesota citizen at $2500.00 every two weeks or you can ask for the EBT card.
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