The goal is to have a universal unconditional minimum income support that is not stratified based on complexion. When the Medicaid and the NHS first began service, some Hexadecaroon hoped to see only people with certain complexions get the full benefit of the government provision and should it not be that way if they are white? Click here.
The goal is to have a universal unconditional minimum income support that is not stratified based on complexion. When the Medicaid and the NHS first began service, some Hexadecaroon hoped to see only people with certain complexions get the full benefit of the government provision and should it not be that way if they are white? But, the Medicaid, NHS and universal minimum income support are public forums. They are not private forums for private agendas. We have an Economic Leviticus and a Biological Leviticus. If someone tells you to put drinking water through water treatment, you will either agree or disagree while the purpose of the water treatment is to prevent communicable diseases that may cause your population to die off. Would someone say he would prefer not to treat the water so that he can see his independence? Someone tells you it is raining outside and offers you technology such as an umbrella to cover you from the rain. Wo...