In the movie Echo Boomers, a young Joker Bideen type character says he and his colleagues would rather be dead than submit to the laws and the constitution, submit to the system. It could be that the former administration is suffering from a Corona complex, a Xerxes complex and who gives the average news service the right to call elections and declare winners before votes were fully counted? If CNEN influences the actual result with this false, illegal, irresponsible reporting, that would be okay because they are 12 O cock Huge to abuse you and the Constitution, big! We will just let it go, overlook it because CNEN is sexy big. Who is motivating them to follow this illegal course of action and I think the only Authority to decide in this situation says he won't be stepping down but defending the constitution and restoring order to critical national services such as the postal services which is the only responsible course of action in an attempted co...
Angel Ronan Lex Scripta now proposes using mobile phones as the toll road transponder with an app. The transponder currently in use is evidence of telecommunications technology. Update the toll road gate if necessary to make it compatible with the current mobile android 5G technology. This idea was proposed by Warren A. Lyon.
Angel Ronan Lex Scripta now proposes using mobile phones as the toll road transponder with an app. The transponder currently in use is evidence of telecommunications technology. Update the toll road gate if necessary to make it compatible with the current mobile android 5G technology. This idea was proposed by Warren A. Lyon.